AfformationAfformations are empowering positive questions to help you achieve your goals.

Below are just some examples of Afformations you can use.

Afformation for Health


1. Why am I so healthy?

2. Why do I take responsibility for my health?

3. Why are healthy people so magnetically drawn to me?

4. Why do I radiate with perfect health & well-being?

5. Why does everything in my body operate so perfectly?

6. Why do I eat a healthy, balanced diet?

7. Why do I take such good care of myself?

8. Why do I give thanks for my good health?

9. Why do I enjoy such perfect health of mind, body & spirit every day?

10. Why do I trust Spirit with my health?

11. Why do I make sure to include exercise in my plan for health?

12. Why is my life free from disease & stress?

13. Why am I so emotionally healthy?

14. Why do I love my body?

15. Why am I so happy & comfortable in my body?

16. Why does my body treat me so well?

17.  Why am I so lucky to have the body that I have?

18. Why am I so lucky to have the face that I have?

19. Why do I look at my body with eyes of love?

20. Why is my body such a gift?

21. Why do I see only beauty when I look in the mirror?

22. Why did I manifest such beauty in me?

23. Why do I treat my body with such love, respect & admiration?

24. Why don’t I let others degrade my body or my looks?

25. Why do I attract only emotionally healthy people?

26. Why do I accept compliments so easily?

27. Why am I so strong?

28. Why is my stamina unstoppable?

29. Why did I stop complaining about my health?

30. Why am I so grateful that I’m so healthy?

31. Why is my life so healthy?

32. Why do I have the perfect shape for me?

33. Why do I enjoy peace of mind & fulfillment every day?

34. Why do I celebrate my health today?

35. Why am I so grateful for being so healthy?

36. Why am I so grateful for my healthy life & lifestyle?

37. Why am I so trim, firm, healthy & disease-free?

38. Why do I give thanks for my abundant health?

39. Why am I so emotionally, physically, financially, & spiritually healthy?


1. Why am I always taken care of?

2. Why am I so abundantly provided for?

3. Why am I right where I should be in life?

4. Why did I ask the right questions to manifest the perfect partner for me?

5. Why is my life such a gift?

6. Why do I have so many gifts to share with the world?

7. Why do I get to enjoy all of the gifts spirits sends me today?

8. Why do so many miracles come true for me today?

9. Why have so many miracles always happened in my life?

10. Why do I have so much to give?

11. Why is my life such a miracle?

12. Why is my life so perfect & so perfectly wonder-full?

13. Why is it so easy for me to have, do & be anything I want?

14. Why am I so grateful to be me every day of my life?

15. Why does Love manifest as my life now?

16. Why is happiness Who I Really Am?

17. Why is life so fulfilling to me?

18. Why do I choose to be a good steward?

19. Why is my life filled with light, love, marvelous people & fun times?

20. Why do I always reinforce that my spouse is more than enough for me just as they are?

21. Why am I careful of my partner’s feelings?

22. Why is my spouse so passionate about me?

23. Why is our love so whole & complete?

24. Why is love so easy for me?

25. Why is my relationship so much fun?

26. Why do I have a sense of humor in dealing with my partner’s little slip-ups?

27. Why do I not expect my partner to be perfect?

28. Why is love so easy for me to let in?

29. Why is my life like a storybook romance?

30. Why is love who I really am?

31. Why do I feel so much love?

32. Why am I fit, healthy and attractive?

33. Why do I have abundant energy, vitality & well-being?

34. Why do I lose weight so effortlessly?

35. Why do I take deeper, longer, more relaxed breaths?

36. Why do I take care of myself by eating & sleeping properly?

37. Why is my body so intelligent & capable of healing anything?

38. Why does every cell in my body vibrate with energy & health?

39. Why do I feel great?

40. Why am I in control of my own well-being?

41. Why am I always in the stream of well-being?

42. Why does it feel so good to make good decisions?

43. Why do I love eating healthy?

44. Why is exercise Fun?

45. Why am I filled with energy to do all the daily activities in my life?

46. Why am I beautiful inside & out?

47. Why when I look in the mirror do I see true beauty in my every imperfection?


1. Why is wealth pouring into my life?

2. Why do the riches of the universe come to me effortlessly?

3. Why am I getting wealthier each day?

4. Why am I a money magnet?

5. Why am I free of debt?

6. Why am I easily, openly and freely accepting abundance, now?

7. Why am I thankful for the limitless, overflowing source of my abundance?

8. Why does everything I touch return riches to me?

9. Why do I deserve abundance?

10. Why am I great at managing money?

11. Why does money come to me from unexpected sources?

12. Why do I appreciate money?

13. Why do I live a truly abundant life?

Relationships and Love:

1. Why do I radiate love and happiness?

2. Why am I worthy of love?

3. Why do I love and accept myself for who I am?

4. Why do I attract positive people into my life?

5. Why do I love myself?

6.   Why am I in charge of my own happiness?

7.    Why am I surrounded with loving, caring people in my life?

8.   Why is it the more I love, the more that love is returned to me?

9.   Why do I know others are not accountable for my happiness?

10. Why do I have such great, loving, long-term relationships?

11. Why do I get along so well with others?

12. Why do people like me & want to be around me?

13. Why do I have the perfect partner for me?

14. Why am I so happy & grateful for my family & friends?

15. Why do I accept people for who they are & wouldn’t try to change them?


1. Why do I possess an endless supply of creativity & energy for any project I take on?

2. Why do I make effective use of my time?

3. Why are my possibilities are endless?

4. Why do I get promoted fast?

5. Why do others recognize me for all the good I do?

6. Why does the Universe support my every effort?

7. Why am I persistent in reaching my goals?

8. Why do my co-workers love & appreciate me?

9. Why do I love my job?

10. Why am I grateful for my job?

11. Why am I really great at what I do?

12. Why do I have my dream job?

13. Why am I living my passion?

14. Why do I have so much passion for what I do?


1. Why do I accomplish anything I set my mind on?

2. Why do I have the energy & passion to make my thoughts a reality?

3. Why am I responsible for my own attitude?

4. Why are my thoughts clear & focused?

5. Why do I know exactly what I want?

6. Why am I a creative genius?

7. Why am I grateful for each experience in my life?

8. Why am I confident?

9. Why do I remain confident & unaffected by negative attitudes around me?

10. Why do I have everything I need right now to accomplish everything I want?

11.   Why, at every turn, opportunity appears before me?

12. Why am I a success in all that I do?


1. Why am I connected to the source of all things?

2. Why am I a loving being?

3. Why do I appreciate my inner guidance & listen to it?

4. Why is all that I need inside me right now?

5. Why does the universe & all things love me?

6. Why is my higher self always there for me to assist with all things?

7. Why is it so easy for me to silence my thoughts & hear my inner guidance?

8. Why am I a spiritual being enjoying a physical experience?

9. Why do I create abundance in my life?

10. Why am I kind to others?

11. Why do I see the value in all things & all people?

12. Why do I know that everyone deserves love?

13. Why do I accept people for who they are right now?


1. Why do I gratefully accept all the health, wealth & happiness that the universe pours into me?

2. Why do I deserve love, success & happiness?

3. Why am I a lucky, happy, healthy, wealthy successful person?

4. Why does love, health & wealth flow abundantly into my life?

5. Why do I possess an abundance of creativity & energy?

6. Why am I always in the right place, at the right time, doing & saying all the right things to get exactly what I want?

From the Affirmation statements turned into Afformations

1. Why do I expect my miracle is here now?

2. Why do I open myself to ever-increasing prosperity?

3. Why do I trust the process of life?

4. Why are all my needs always taken care of?

5. Why am I am safe?

6. Why am I willing to accept & know that I deserve the very best life has to offer?

7.  Why are there endless opportunities for prosperity in my life?

8. Why do I give myself permission to be all that I can be?

9. Why do I deserve & have the very best in life?

10. Why do I trust that the right action is always taking place in my life?

11. Why am I full of gratitude?

12. Why do I give gratitude for all that I have?

13. Why do my beliefs create my reality?

14. Why is it such a wonderful feeling knowing that I am financially free forever?

15. Why does my creativity flow thru me?

16. Why am I creative, prosperous & happy?

17.  Why does Life love me & I love life?

18. Why do I attract the perfect love in my life?

19. Why do I forgive others & myself?

20. Why am I free to enjoy life?

21. Why am I rich, self-confident, loving & generous?

22. Why am I open to opportunities for health, happiness, prosperity & abundance?

23. Why am I happy, healthy, wealthy, healed & whole?

24. Why am I free to express my creativity, joy, & love?

25. Why do I create prosperity, abundance & health?

26. Why does my life glow with radiant beauty, radiant richness, & radiant good?

27. Why am I willing to change & grow?

28. Why am I open to opportunities for prosperity & abundance?

29. Why do I have a wealth of valuable skills & talents, which provides me wealth in return?

30. Why am I grateful for all the love in my life?

31. Why is my value & my worth increased by everything that I do?

32. Why do I allow myself to play, have fun & enjoy my life?

33. Why does the money I spend enrich the world & come back to me multiplied?

34. Why does the universe always serve my higher interests?

35. Why are my dreams coming true?

36. Why do I cultivate mental happiness, physical happiness & ease of well-being?

37. Why am I kind, generous, & loving to all beings?

38. Why am I cultivating mindfulness, wisdom, loving kindness, & understanding?

39. Why as I do what I love, abundance, happiness, good health, love, money & prosperity flow freely?

40. Why do I believe in my unlimited & ever expanding prosperity?

41. Why is it my divine destiny to be healthy, happy, wealthy, prosperous & abundant?

42. Why are money & clients bursting into my life in such abundant masses?

43. Why do I lovingly protect myself with thoughts of joy & peace?

44. Why is the past  forgiven & forgotten?

45. Why  am I free in this moment?

46. Why am I living on a Trust Fund?

47. Why do I love & approve of myself?

48. Why am I at peace with the process of life?

49. Why is my miracle here now?

50. Why is it my divine destiny to be healthy, happy, wealthy, prosperous & abundant?

51. Why am I grateful for all my abundance?

52. Why do I have so much abundance in my life?