Wellness with Positive Psychology

In this Section on Wellness, The Journey Within offers tools to help you explore your path to wellness & well-being. We offer information on Healthy Eating, Healthy Living, Healthy Birth, Conscious Living & Maintaining Wellness. We hope you will also visit the “Explore” section as it offers a variety of additional tools & resources.

80% of illness is stress related. Stress is the number one complaint leading to an array of disease and ill health that doctors hear from their patients.

The stress related fight or flight response should only be triggered as a reaction to real danger, and not for annoyances such as running late for an appointment. People don’t need to react to most of the stress we experience in our normal daily lives. We can chose to respond to stress instead.


When we become mindful and cognizant of our thinking, we can make a choice to respond to stress instead of reacting to stress. This powerful shift deeply affects our bodies in a responsible manner that puts us in control, replacing and eliminating the victomization and susceptibility to illness that reacting can introduce. The health of our bodies is effected by our thoughts.

Neuro-science research has offered some fascinating information about our minds over the past several years, including the fact that we have about 60 thousand thoughts a day. Most of these thoughts are not serving us and are instead entangling our minds, keeping us from the powerful creatures we are capable of being.

When we become conscious of the options we all have available to us, we can choose thoughts that free us from our minds unproductive chatter, pivoting away from thoughts that are not serving our highest good. As an example, we do not have to become the victim of unproductive chatter such as “My mind just runs away with thoughts I have no control over.” This example is just as absurd as hearing a man say: “My hand had a mind of its own when it just pinched a pretty woman walking by.” Instead, we can choose to take control of our thoughts, our health and our future.

Stress can also be reduced by meditating. Research resulting from countless studies has determined that by meditating as little as 15 minutes a day we can empower and shift our lives in a manner that substantially lowers our stress levels.

Wellness is not just the absence of disease. Wellness refers to a “state of well-being”. Wellness is often seen as a “state of acceptance or satisfaction with our present condition.” According to Charles B. Corbin of Arizona State University,  “Wellness is a multidimensional state of being describing the existence of positive health in an individual as exemplified by quality of life and a sense of well-being.”

Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful, happy & healthy existence. You might be wondering what this statement really means:

Process means that improvement is always possible.
Aware means that we are continuously seeking more information about how we can improve.
Choices means that we consider a variety of options and select those in our best interest.
Success is determined by each individual to be their collection of life accomplishments.

Physical Wellness:

The physical dimension of wellness encourages cardiovascular flexibility and strength and also encourages regular, physical activity. Physical development encourages knowledge about food and nutrition and discourages the use of tobacco, drugs and excessive alcohol consumption. Physical Wellness encourages consumption and activities which contribute to high level wellness, including medical self-care and appropriate use of the medical system.

This song was first created in German by Clemens Kuby, a man who survived a 50 feet fall in the early 1980 that shattered his 2nd lumbar vertebrae and earned him a medical verdict of  “paraplegic for life”. Clemens did not accept this “diagnosis” as a life sentence in a wheel chair and similar to Morris Goodman experienced what can only be labeled as a “miraculous” recovery because science still can’t explain it. It’s not in the text books because it’s not logical. Clemens Kuby still has a shattered 2nd vertebrae yet he walked again in less than 1 year later and still does. Today he holds regular workshops in Germany on the power of self-healing.

Every little cell in my body is happy
Every little cell in my body is well
Every little cell in my body is happy
Every little cell in my body is well
Feel so good
Feel so swell
Every little cell in my body is well
Feel so good 
Feel so swell
Every little cell in my body is well

I start my day many times during the week with this wonderful song. Totally gets a smile in my heart and my body 🙂

Mental Wellness:

Overall, wellness refers to a holistic approach in which mind, body, and spirit are integrated. It is a way of life oriented toward optimal health and well-being in which body, mind, and spirit are integrated in a purposeful manner with a goal of living life more fully. Mental Wellness is more than the absence of disease, or a state defined as “health.” It incorporates a concern for optimal functioning.

The Journey Within can help you explore your path to wellness.  Find out how a private session can help you as you explore your journey within by scheduling a private session now»